Botanical name Liriodendron tulipifera
Common name Tuliptree
Height measurement methodClinometer/laser rangefinder/sine
Girth(no data)
Crown spread(no data)
ENTSPTS2(not enough data)
ENTSPTS(not enough data)
TDI3(not enough data)
TDI2(not enough data)
Champion points (not enough data)
Diameter(no data)
Conical volume(no data)
General commentsPreviously discovered and measured by Galehouse/Rand at a height of 159' on Feb. 2011.

Measured on 04/30/2018

MeasurersStefan Radivoyevitch
Botanical name Liriodendron tulipifera
Common name Tuliptree
Height measurement methodClinometer/laser rangefinder/sine
Girth(no data)
Crown spread(no data)
ENTSPTS2(not enough data)
ENTSPTS(not enough data)
TDI3(not enough data)
TDI2(not enough data)
Champion points (not enough data)
Diameter(no data)
Conical volume(no data)
General commentsPreviously discovered and measured by Galehouse/Rand at a height of 159' on Feb. 2011.
MeasurersStefan Radivoyevitch


Coordinates41 10.008, -081 34.019
Site Hampton Hills Metropark
Ownership typepublic
State Ohio (US)


(no photos)