Botanical name Viburnum rhytidophyllum
Common name Leatherleaf Viburnum
Height measurement methodClinometer/laser rangefinder/sine
Girth(no data)
Crown spread(no data)
ENTSPTS2(not enough data)
ENTSPTS(not enough data)
TDI3(not enough data)
TDI2(not enough data)
Champion points (not enough data)
Diameter(no data)
Conical volume(no data)
General commentsclumps of many stemsby T. Sharp 1/1/2015. Located across from 2407 33rd Street. Tree is tallest of three with each one forming clumps of many sgtems,

Measured on 01/01/2000

MeasurersTurner Sharp
Botanical name Viburnum rhytidophyllum
Common name Leatherleaf Viburnum
Height measurement methodClinometer/laser rangefinder/sine
Girth(no data)
Crown spread(no data)
ENTSPTS2(not enough data)
ENTSPTS(not enough data)
TDI3(not enough data)
TDI2(not enough data)
Champion points (not enough data)
Diameter(no data)
Conical volume(no data)
General commentsclumps of many stemsby T. Sharp 1/1/2015. Located across from 2407 33rd Street. Tree is tallest of three with each one forming clumps of many sgtems,
MeasurersTurner Sharp


Coordinates39 16.823, -081 31.218
Site Wood County Single Tree Sites
Ownership typePublic and private
State West Virginia (US)


(no photos)