Botanical name | Fagus sylvatica |
Common name | European Beech |
Height | 86.2' |
Height measurement method | Clinometer/laser rangefinder/sine |
Girth | (no data) |
Crown spread | 88.0' |
ENTSPTS2 | (not enough data) |
ENTSPTS | (not enough data) |
TDI3 | (not enough data) |
TDI2 | (not enough data) |
Champion points | (not enough data) |
Diameter | (no data) |
Conical volume | (no data) |
General comments | Measured by T. Sharp, C. Minton 2017. CV: atropuncia Tree is a fused 18.7' circumference. Tree located at St. Mary's Correctional Center in front of Superintendent's old residence. Previously measured by T. Sharp 9/30/2009 at 85.5', 212.4" (MS), 71'. |
Height | 86.2' |
Crown spread | 88.0' |
Measurers | Various Various |
Botanical name | Fagus sylvatica |
Common name | European Beech |
Height | 86.2' |
Height measurement method | Clinometer/laser rangefinder/sine |
Girth | (no data) |
Crown spread | 88.0' |
ENTSPTS2 | (not enough data) |
ENTSPTS | (not enough data) |
TDI3 | (not enough data) |
TDI2 | (not enough data) |
Champion points | (not enough data) |
Diameter | (no data) |
Conical volume | (no data) |
General comments | Measured by T. Sharp, C. Minton 2017. CV: atropuncia Tree is a fused 18.7' circumference. Tree located at St. Mary's Correctional Center in front of Superintendent's old residence. Previously measured by T. Sharp 9/30/2009 at 85.5', 212.4" (MS), 71'. |
Measurers | Various Various |
Coordinates | 39 25.958, -081 09.905 |
Site | West Virginia Single Tree Sites |
Ownership type | Private & Publc |
County | 54 Counties |
State | West Virginia (US) |
(no photos)