Botanical name | Robinia pseudoacacia |
Common name | Black Locust |
Height | 72.5' |
Height measurement method | Clinometer/laser rangefinder/sine |
Girth | 173'' |
Crown spread | 48.0' |
ENTSPTS2 | 150.68 |
ENTSPTS | 1045.21 |
TDI3 | 1.95 |
TDI2 | 1.42 |
Champion points | 257.50 |
Diameter | 55'' |
Conical volume | 399.7 ft³ |
General comments | Measured by B. Hannah, S, Adams 2018 off of Hudson Road near Bructon Mills, Preston County.. Previously rmeasred by M. Plevich 2000 at # x 171" x 51' and by B. Hannah, J. Wise 2010 at # x 78.5' x 173: x 43'. Tree is near dead. |
Height | 72.5' |
Girth | 173'' |
Crown spread | 48.0' |
Measurers | Various Various |
Botanical name | Robinia pseudoacacia |
Common name | Black Locust |
Height | 72.5' |
Height measurement method | Clinometer/laser rangefinder/sine |
Girth | 173'' |
Crown spread | 48.0' |
ENTSPTS2 | 150.68 |
ENTSPTS | 1045.21 |
TDI3 | 1.95 |
TDI2 | 1.42 |
Champion points | 257.50 |
Diameter | 55'' |
Conical volume | 399.7 ft³ |
General comments | Measured by B. Hannah, S, Adams 2018 off of Hudson Road near Bructon Mills, Preston County.. Previously rmeasred by M. Plevich 2000 at # x 171" x 51' and by B. Hannah, J. Wise 2010 at # x 78.5' x 173: x 43'. Tree is near dead. |
Measurers | Various Various |
Coordinates | 39 36.396, -079 42.815 |
Site | West Virginia Historical Trees |
Ownership type | Public and Private |
County | 54 Counties |
State | West Virginia (US) |
(no photos)