Botanical name Pinus strobus
Common name Eastern White Pine
Height measurement methodClinometer/laser rangefinder/sine
Girth(no data)
Crown spread(no data)
ENTSPTS2(not enough data)
ENTSPTS(not enough data)
TDI3(not enough data)
TDI2(not enough data)
Champion points (not enough data)
Diameter(no data)
Conical volume(no data)
General commentsMeasured by J. Lockwood 4/24/2016 just south of the Sugar Road overpass on I-495 near Bolton, Worcester County.

Measured on 01/01/2001

MeasurersVarious Various
Botanical name Pinus strobus
Common name Eastern White Pine
Height measurement methodClinometer/laser rangefinder/sine
Girth(no data)
Crown spread(no data)
ENTSPTS2(not enough data)
ENTSPTS(not enough data)
TDI3(not enough data)
TDI2(not enough data)
Champion points (not enough data)
Diameter(no data)
Conical volume(no data)
General commentsMeasured by J. Lockwood 4/24/2016 just south of the Sugar Road overpass on I-495 near Bolton, Worcester County.
MeasurersVarious Various


Coordinates42 26.930, -071 34.913
Site Massachusetts Single Tree Sites
Ownership typePublic-Private
State Massachusetts (US)


(no photos)